The Amazing You Tag – Two Year Blogiversary.

Well! I’m going to admit that I was not planning on posting today, but something made me change my mind.

Something quite large and interesting, actually.

You see, on my computer’s calendar, I had an event marked for today. And guess what?

It’s this blog’s second blogiversary!!!

That’s right. I’ve been around in the blogosphere with this blog for two years. So let’s get this party started!!!


It’s not my birthday, but oh well.

Instead of something like the blogiversary post I did over on The World of the Writer, I thought I’d do something that I’ve wanted to do for a while now: start my own tag.

So here, my friends, is the Amazing You Tag.


This tag has ten questions, which stay the same every time you pass it on. The rules are as follows:

  1. Thank the person who tagged you.
  2. Include the picture in your post and tag it with “amazingyou”.
  3. Answer the questions.
  4. Tag as many people as you want.

On to the questions!

1. You’re on a deserted island, and you find a cave. What would you expect to find in it?

2. If you could have one superpower, which would you pick?

3. What one song would you choose for the theme music for a movie about your life?

4. You can only wear one color for the rest of your life. What color would you pick?

5. What’s one thing you want to do that’s wild, crazy, or unusual?

6. If you had to give a speech to the whole world for five minutes, what topic would it be about?

7. You get to have lunch with any three famous people, present or past! Who would you pick?

8. What is your favorite smell, and why?

9. Share one of your favorite quotes.

10. Give us two true statements about yourself and one false statement, and see if your followers can guess which one is false.

This blog would not be what it is if I didn’t have all of you awesome followers, so I tag every single one of you! However, I know that it’s best to tag some people specifically, so I shall.

First off, a special tag to erinkenobi2893! Happy blogiversary! 😉

Sarah @ Lights And Shadows, Gabrielle @ Write For The KingMandie @ Mandie’s WorldFreakishly Fangirlish @ Insomniac Fangirlboth Sierra and Rebecca @ 26 Countless Possibilitieswritefury, awkwardlyartistic, and everyone else!

Have a wonderful day, everyone! And enjoy! (Don’t feel obligated to do this is you got tagged. It’s just for fun!)


What do you think?