

Please don’t judge this post by the title. šŸ˜›


You Only Live Once.

Why has this become such a negative thing? True, people use it as an excuse to do a lot of things. “Hey, you only live once, you know?” It gives them an excuse to do crazy things, like skydiving or bungee jumping orĀ going on cruises or literally shopping until they drop.Ā It supposedly gives them an excuse to do bad orĀ sinful things, like steal or murder or deceive or drink.

But as Christians, we can change that into motivation.

After all, if you’re only going to live once (which everyone does… *gasp*) then why not mention your faith to the clerk at the grocery store? Why not leave an encouragingĀ note on the table in the restaurant with your tip? Why not tell someone that Jesus loves them? Why not pray in public for those around you?

Why not share your faith?

You only live once, people.

Live loud for Jesus.


Having a Reputation of Love

Taken from a post on Bible Gateway. Read the rest here.

Many people have reputations that can be summed in just a word or two. Thomas Edison: inventor. Jeff Foxworthy: hilarious. If someone summarized you in just a few words, how would they describe you? I was a Christian for years before I realized Jesus had specified exactly what my reputation should be.

ā€œRemember the ways that I have loved you, and demonstrate your love for others in those same ways. Everyone will know you as My followers if you demonstrate your love to others.ā€ (John 13:34b-35, The Voice)

Jesus said that as a person who follows Him, I should be known for loving other people the way He loved me. Every person I know thinks of himself as a loving person. Iā€™ll bet you think of yourself that way, too. After all, youā€™re kind to strangers, donā€™t kick puppies, and sometimes even yield to other drivers. The problem with your self-assessment, though, is that you donā€™t get to decide what your reputation is. By definition, your reputation is determined by others. In fact, even your enemies play a part in deciding your reputation. Thatā€™s a scary thought.

So are people talking about how loving you are? Iā€™m not asking whether you sometimes go on mission trips or donate to good causes. Mission trips are great, but when you have a better reputation with people two thousand miles away than the guy living right down the street, then that is a problem. If our love isnā€™t showing up outwardly in tangible ways in everyday life, then itā€™s not the kind of love that Jesus demonstrated for us. Loving like Jesus will impact your schedule, your budget, and your circle of friends. Before long, it will even impact your reputation.

Connections – Houses

Let’s do some role-playing.

Say you’re looking for a new house. Which of these would you choose?

burninghousepic mansionpic

I hope everyone said the mansion. If not… never mind.

Heaven is like the mansion. Hell is like the burning house.

Think about all the people who aren’t believers out there. As a believer, you are guaranteed to go to heaven, to live in that awesome mansion that Jesus is preparing for you. Non-believers, on the other hand, are going to spend forever in that burning house. Unless someone reaches out to them and introduces them to Jesus.

That someone could be you.

Just A Thought

“The greatest news any of your friends could ever hear is that God loves them more than they love themselves, and he wants them to have everlasting life. Can you do anything to let them know this good news today?”

(Taken from the 1 Minute Bible 4 Students with applications by Doug Fields)