
It’s a Baby

You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.

Psalm 139:16

• The first moment-the very first nanosecond-of your life determined whether you would be a boy or a girl.

• In the first hours of your life, your eye color, hair color, and other features were decided.

• When your heart began beating, you were so small you would have fit on your mother or dad’s fingernail-with room to spare!

• Before your mother even knew you were growing inside of her, you could hear and could even perform full flips inside her womb!

• About seven months before you were born, your fingers and toes looked much like they did at birth, though you were only two inches long!

• You started to grow hair in your fourth month of life (before birth) and may have even sucked your thumb!

• You first heard your mother’s voice-and began kicking and stretching-three or four months before you were born!

• In the final two months before your birth, your weight tripled, you began sleeping and waking, and you used four of your five senses: sight, sound, taste, and touch-all before your mother went into labor.

You were a baby when you were first conceived. It’s a baby.

“And yet our opponents tell us not to interfere with abortion. They tell us not to impose our morality on those who wish to allow or participate in the taking of the life of infants before birth. Yet no one calls it imposing morality to prohibit the taking of life after a child is born. We’re told about a woman’s right to control her own body. But doesn’t the unborn child have a higher right, and that is to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?”

Ronald Reagan

List taken from’s youth devotional.