Mysterious Helper

Anna took a deep breath of clean fall air as she strolled along the sidewalk. The traffic whizzed past to her left. Suddenly, Anna was thrown to the ground as someone shoved her off the sidewalk. She caught a glimpse of a tall lean figure before a delivery truck hurtled onto the sidewalk where she’d been walking. Anna instinctively leaped to her feet and jumped backwards. The truck hit a nearby tree with a loud crunch.

Anna looked around for the person who had moved her out of the oncoming truck’s path, but she didn’t see anyone. How weird, she thought.

The delivery truck’s driver got out of the car hurriedly and rushed over to Anna. “Are you okay?” he asked frantically.

“I’m fine,” Anna assured him.

The police arrived soon after to take a report of the crash, and Anna was allowed to leave. She continued on her way until she reached her friend Lucy’s house.

“Hi, Anna,” Lucy welcomed Anna in cheerfully. Anna immediately poured out her story to her friend, including her mysterious helper.

Lucy’s jaw dropped. “Do you know what time the crash happened?”

“Just after two,” Anna told her. She looked at her friend curiously.

Lucy was amazed. “Just before two, I felt God telling me to pray for your protection, and I did!”


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